
Ibalansz specializes in treating individual problems with bi-cultural clients and mixed couples. Such as communication problems, cheating, sexual problems, trauma or problems dealing with loss. 

You can also contact Ibalansz with your questions of faith and/or meaning.

Ibalansz offers a personal treatment process to resolve the problems you experience. De therapie kan ook in het Engels.


Ibalansz specializes in treating individual problems with bi-cultural clients and mixed couples. Such as communication problems, cheating, sexual problems, trauma or problems dealing with loss.

You can also contact Ibalansz with your questions of faith and/or meaning.

Ibalansz offers a personal treatment process to resolve the problems you experience. De therapie kan ook in het Engels.

Does this sound familiar?

Individual therapy
Do you find it difficult to indicate your limits and do you neglect yourself for the other?
Do you keep running into the same problem and don't know why?
Partner relationship
Do you have the feeling that you can no longer understand each other?
Are there any doubts about continuing as a couple?

Food for thought!

November 11, 2024
De voor- en nadelen van relatietherapie!
Nog steeds heel vaak als mensen het woord therapie of relatietherapie horen zie ik mensen inkrimpen. Het woord heeft naar mijn mening nog steeds een hele negatieve lading. Terwijl dat echt niet zou moeten. Het hoeft niet te betekenen dat wanneer je kiest voor relatietherapie dat jouw relatie ook op de afgrond staat.
Do you want to work with an experienced Surinamese therapist in a safe setting?


The intake interview costs €216.00 and lasts 90 minutes.
After registration, I will send a questionnaire that you complete by yourself or, in the case of couples therapy, together with your partner. In addition, I ask you to read and agree to the terms and conditions, the privacy statement and the complaint and disciplinary law documents prior to the start. During the intake, we determine the goals of the therapy together, and we discuss which treatment process is appropriate for you. After agreement of a treatment process, payment is made in full, and we start with the therapy.  

Ibalansz has a personal treatment process for individual therapy and couples therapy.



Clients speak

  • Een 47 jarige vrouw van Kaapverdiaanse afkomst
    De therapie heeft mij geholpen mijn partner beter te begrijpen. Ik dacht steeds voor hem. Ik heb geleerd te communiceren en ook dingen te accepteren die ik niet kan veranderen. Het is voor mij duidelijk hoe misverstanden ontstaan. Voor mijn gevoel hebben de sessies onze relatie sterker gemaakt.
    Een 47 jarige vrouw van Kaapverdiaanse afkomst
  • Een stel dat te maken heeft gehad met vreemdgaan in de relatie.
    We give the therapy a 9. We experienced the first conversations as the most valuable, because the conversations were intense.
    A couple who has dealt with cheating in the relationship.
  • Bi-cultureel stel dat relatietherapie heeft gevolgd.
    We give couples therapy an 8. Sharon makes sure that the conversations go smoothly, with respect without taking sides. The therapy helped us understand each other better.
    Bi-cultural couple who have attended couples therapy.
  • Surinaamse cliënt die psychosociale therapie heeft gevolgd.
    I give the therapy an 8, Sharon has calmly guided me in the right direction by listening and asking the right questions at the right times.
    Surinamese client who has followed psychosocial therapy.

Stay informed of all activities at Ibalansz:



Make an appointment

You can easily make an appointment online via my website. The practice is located in Hilversum.